Thursday, February 26, 2009

This ones for da boys!

I am not an animal lover by nature. I'm just not. Once when I was little, probably around 5 years old, we got a puppy. I have no clue what kind, because I am not a dog person and do not know the breeds, but it was a moppy looking gal with dark black hair. I named her Crystal. And in a very short amount of time (I think around a couple of weeks) my mother grew weary of the wiry mutt and gave her to another family. This sealed the deal in our household that, "We are not dog people. We just aren't." And this would be the mantra that my mother would instill in me by repeating it often....including once last week on the phone.

But the irony in life, that is always so prevalent, has come back around. My boy has not one dog, but two. And in fact his parents have not just one dog, but two. I find myself fairly often surrounded by giddy, overanxious pups. Before meeting my boyfriend's endearing pets, I made sure to clearly explain that I was not a 'dog person', even though fairly often dogs seem to gravitate towards me. I asked him, "What will you do if your dogs don't like me?"

"They will."

"But what if they don't?"

"I'm not worried about it, they will."

And as seems to be the case in a number of situations, he was right. Both dogs, one an older staunchy fellow that we refer to as the republican and the other a wild energectic whippersnapper of a pup who sways towards the homo side, both adore me. Surprisingly, the older one (who prefers to be left alone and avoids cuddling) seems to like me best of all. He often joins me to pat at me with his paw requesting I scratch his head and rub his back just a little longer. The boyfriend even says that this is unusual of him due to his lack of people preference, but somehow I have won him over.

Now most my days start with all 3 boys heading outside for the am restroom break. After they return the two pups immediately join me in bed to lick my face, and for some last minute cuddle time, while my boyfriend heads to the bathroom to get ready for the day. And as they lick my face from top to bottom (an activity I really don't enjoy), I feel very loved by all my boys.

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